Cao Nguyên Quán
Nhà hàng

Cao Nguyên Quán

4.3/5.0 - dựa trên 16 đánh giá
Xuất sắc
Tuyệt vời
Trung bình
Quá tệ
4/5.0Đăng vào 19-04-2019

"Very friendly staffs... Local price. Actually..."

Very friendly staffs... Local price. Actually I got local drink and food by free from next seats.. Vietnamese. Thank you very much.. I have no words.

4/5.0Đăng vào 19-04-2019

"They make a good tufu soup with noodles......"

They make a good tufu soup with noodles...

5/5.0Đăng vào 19-04-2019

"Asked for vegetarian food and got my best mea..."

Asked for vegetarian food and got my best meal so far in Vietnam! Super good tomato tofu, spinach and rice, great quality and price. Also super friendly!

5/5.0Đăng vào 19-04-2019

"The food is very good, we even got invited to..."

The food is very good, we even got invited to eat another meal with the family as well as doing traditional shots with them. Much recommended, very nice and friendly people.

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Cao Nguyên Quán

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