Jasmine Hostel
B&B & Nhà trọ

Jasmine Hostel

4.6/5.0 - dựa trên 16 đánh giá
Xuất sắc
Tuyệt vời
Trung bình
Quá tệ
5/5.0Đăng vào 17-07-2020

"They offer a really great Ha Giang Loop tour ..."

They offer a really great Ha Giang Loop tour and were really welcoming and accommodating. They booked my bus for me when I left and really made sure everything was good.

4/5.0Đăng vào 17-04-2019

"Great service, decent rooms very nice showers..."

Great service, decent rooms very nice showers. The owners are great and are great at organizing the loop for you, either with an easy Rider or with your own rental bike. Good quality semi automatic bikes. Breakfast pretty basic compared to other places, but dinner looked great!

5/5.0Đăng vào 17-04-2019

"The best hostel on the loop! The owners are a..."

The best hostel on the loop! The owners are a super nice friendly couple who knows everything about the region, they helped me setup my itinerary, I could leave my luggage there while roadtripping and the motorbike I rented was new, powerful, nimble and cheap. They even cook amazing meals. Stop wondering, go there!

5/5.0Đăng vào 17-04-2019

"This amazing oasis was the perfect end to my ..."

This amazing oasis was the perfect end to my time in ha Giang! I honestly wish we spent more time here! Highly highly recommended! The staff is so attentive and treat you so well but also give you the space to relax and be on your own. They also have the most beautiful cats in the world!!

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Jasmine Hostel

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Liên hệ

  • Đ. Quốc lộ 2, Phương Thiện, Hà Giang, 310000, Vietnam
  • 0375 299 476
  • Ghé thăm Website

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