Khai Hoan Hotel
Khách sạn

Khai Hoan Hotel

3.3/5.0 - dựa trên 16 đánh giá
Xuất sắc
Tuyệt vời
Trung bình
Quá tệ
3/5.0Đăng vào 17-11-2020

"Gần ngay phố cổ. Ở cũng gọi là đc. Thuộc top ..."

Gần ngay phố cổ. Ở cũng gọi là đc. Thuộc top ks ở đây.

3/5.0Đăng vào 19-05-2020

"There are plenty of hotels and home stays. T..."

There are plenty of hotels and home stays. The one advantage of this hotel is the location. It is nearby bus station (private bus company go to Ha Giang)

1/5.0Đăng vào 17-04-2019

"Decent enough rooms, but was woken around mid..."

Decent enough rooms, but was woken around midnight with the air conditioner cut off. With no fan in the room, this led to the really tiny room getting extremely stuffy and warm. We couldn't sleep. We tried to go to front desk to ask for help but nobody was around. After trying a bunch of other remotes they had laying around with no luck, we tried finding the main power breaker for the hotel. We found it, and someone had switched our air conditioner power off. Not cool. Terrible night's sleep when it was needed. Would not recommend this hotel.

4/5.0Đăng vào 17-04-2019

"The place is very new. The customer service c..."

The place is very new. The customer service could be improved and the rooms could be more clean also the bed was very very hard for me and i normaly like firm mattress, but this is personal preference. Over all my stay was good.

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Khai Hoan Hotel

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Liên hệ

  • Số 06, đường 3/2, thị trấn Đồng Văn, H. Đồng Văn, Tỉnh Hà Giang, QL4C, Đồng Văn, Hà Giang, Vietnam
  • 0888 452 668
  • Ghé thăm Website

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